
As a young child, I always loved the holidays and couldn't wait to make place cards for our dining table.  Even though it was just for my family, it still brought me great joy.

The years went by, life happened and the crafty me got lost in the abyss.  After my Navy years, there was a time when my children were growing up, I did get into crafts for a short while, but mostly sewing and cloth products.

It wasn't until 2011, that my passion for doing crafts came back into my life.  While I was on vacation in Maine,  my best friend and I attended a scrapbooking class.  It was a lot of fun.  However, upon returning from vacation, I had to return to work.  After about a month, I really started thinking about how much I really loved making cards and began by making some Halloween, Birthday and Thanksgiving cards for the family.  At Christmas time, I was in full swing, making over 45 cards!  I was really hooked then.  I quit my job, bought some craft supplies and machines and just took off.
Mind you, all of this was accomplished at my kitchen table!

In February of 2012, I opened up my Etsy Shop, Bethies Cards.  I really love making cards and am constantly trying new ideas and broadening my categories for cards.  I currently have cards for birthdays, weddings, other occasion cards, plain note cards and cards with butterflies.  I really enjoy the cards for the kids.  They are so much fun to make!

It's now 4 years since I first opened my shop.

I am a Gulf War Veteran and very proud of that.   I served in the US Navy and was stationed over in Saudi Arabia in 1991 attached to a Fleet Hospital Unit.

I used to have the luxury of taking a nice walk to my mailbox and put my outgoing orders in it,  but with this new place, all I get is a tiny box, so I have to drive to the Post Office to mail all my orders.

So, with all of that said, thank you for visiting my shop.  I hope you enjoy looking around and if you have any questions about anything, please feel free to ask.

Thank you for stopping in!

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